#richtiggemacht makes targeted advertising for vocational training in tourism
Successful campaign to secure skilled workers
More than 4.5 million people aged between 16 and 24 years are potentially eligible for vocational training in tourism. From this, the following Sinus-Milieus were identified as relevant: Conservative-bourgeois, adaptive-pragmatic, materialistic-hedonists, parts of the expeditions as well as the subgroup of people with migration background.
The publicity campaign #richtiggemacht has the task of improving the image of occupations in the tourism sector and generating prospects for dual-training occupations in tourism. There are about 60,000 training contracts in tourism every year. However, apprenticeships increasingly remain unfilled and exacerbate the shortage of skilled labor. With #richtiggemacht the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) wants to counteract this development. In short video-ads, trainees and young professionals were portrayed as ambassadors in their everyday work, to attract more young people to the diverse professional fields in the travel industry.
Using a social media campaign (YouTube, Facebook), the video clips were broadcast specifically to certain milieus, which were then directed to the landing page. There, in addition to interviews with the campaign ambassadors, the individual training occupations are portrayed and the most important job exchanges are linked. Within six weeks, we succeeded in reaching the target group completely and sustainably with specific messages. More than 20 million visual contacts were generated, which led to over 1 million contribution interactions. Over 150,000 clicks led to the target site https://richtiggemacht-tourismus.de, where the majority of information on apprenticeships and the job exchange was retrieved. Thanks to the targeted approach, the predicted campaign performance was exceeded by 500%.